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Korean Drama List

Korean Drama


Hey there, my fellow hustlers!

Welcome to my Notion template! I am the creator of this Notion template. My name is ALSH and I'm passionate about finding new and innovative ways to work smarter, not harder.

I wholeheartedly understand the joy and excitement that comes with watching Korean dramas. The Korean entertainment industry has blessed us with a multitude of captivating and diverse shows, each with its unique storyline, characters, and genres. With so many wonderful dramas out there, it can sometimes become overwhelming to keep track of them all.

That's why I created this Notion Korean drama list—to provide a convenient and organized way to keep tabs on the dramas we love. Having a tracker allows us to explore the vast sea of Korean dramas with ease, knowing that we won't miss out on any hidden gems or forget our favorites. It brings me immense joy to share this resource with fellow enthusiasts like yourself.

Your decision to download and utilize this list encourages me to continue curating and updating it regularly. Your support motivates me to enhance the list and add new features that will make your drama-watching experience even more enjoyable and effortless. Together, we can indulge in the captivating world of Korean dramas while staying well-informed and connected.

If you find the template helpful, please do share your experience with me on Instagram @thisisalsh. Should you ever have any suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always open to improving the list and making it even more user-friendly.

Wishing you many delightful hours of drama-watching and unforgettable moments filled with laughter, tears, and heartwarming stories.

Check out more Notion template at https://thisisalsh.gumroad.com

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